Living Groups

Chapter One Hundred and Twelve.

Love should be like a great piece of code; perfect.
Yah, but it's code banged out by monkeys with large mallets.

it wasn't until she began talking to me about kissing this other guy and how wonderful she felt that it truly hit home that it was over, that she wasn't just going to come around one day, that i have no chance. and suddenly i feel so alone.
i always get like this; i hate it and love it at the same time. it's not until someone comes along who makes me think that i have a chance to be in a romantic relationship that i remember just how much i long to be part of such a thing. it's not until hope has sprung anew and then withered slowly away. most of the time i try not to think about it. if i start thinking about it, about the lack of romance in my life, then i start feeling lonely, start feeling incomplete. and i begin to hunger anew...
yet i know that this too shall pass and soon i'll be back to coasting through the days and years without thought of those things which my life lacks. i'm not sure i want to sink back into ignorance again this time, though. being hurt doesn't hurt as much these days as it once did, i almost think it might be worth it to again try making a pro-active effort to find someone. further rejection can't really hurt more than what i've already been through, and that is a pain i can bear.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Writen 10/19/97
Last Revised 10/19/97