Living Groups

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty.

I had this wonderful moment today. I was walking to class and there was this young woman a few paces in front of me. I don't know why she caught my eye, she had a plain face and was wearing baggy sweatpants and a a shapeless flannel shirt, but as I watched her I was filled with wonder at her beauty, her inner light. I walked a little faster to catch up with her and walked for a while by her side, staring at her while trying to not seem too obvious (not an easy task, i assure you). I wanted to speak up, to say something, anything to her, to tell her how beautiful she was. For a few moments I honestly considered saying something; I don't think I've ever come that close to telling a perfect stranger that she's beautiful. As we reached the bottom of the steps there was an archway; I went left and she went right. As I stepped clear of the stone column which had obscured her from my view, I turned my head towards where she was... only to find her staring straight back at me. For a moment my heart stopped beating and time stood still. Her head was turned to one side, her mouth a thin line; she didn't look away and nor did I. I smiled at her and nodded; she merely gazed back. We walked perhaps two steps along our respective courses without looking away and then she turned a corner and our paths diverged.
I'm sure I'll see her again, it's destined to happen. And next time I'll tell her how beautiful she is.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Writen 12/4/97
Last Revised 12/4/97