Living Groups
Chapter Twenty Six.

TM was never very good at dealing with break-ups. Here is a letter that he sent to the Virgin Mary after she rebuffed his advances the first time.

Do you know what happens when dreams die?
Dreams are very hard to kill
tenacious little buggers.
To kill a dream one must reach out and touch someone
dash their hope
uproot all traces
it's usually very time consuming.
Only a select few can fell a dream with a single stroke.
You should be very proud.

Well, it's nice to have that out of my system... I'm listing to this great CD called "This Timeless Turning", by a group based in D.C. called 'Sky Cries Mary'. It's very good, and very cathardic. I think that you would like them, their music is a blend of a great many different types of music. I originally heard of them one morning while listening to NPR. At this time I have yet to receive the letter you said you'd write. I had a great deal of fun at AMazin' Castles; it was nice to see you. For some reason it was very liberating to know that you don't like me. I suppose it is because I finally could be sure about how you felt. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with you in particular, more fun that I would have had if I had still been in the dark as to your feelings towards me, yet less fun that I would have had if I had known your feelings and they had been quite different. A good compromise....... i suppose. Why were you so nice to me that night?
What I wouldn't give to be in your shoes. It would be so nice to know that someone liked me, and would be there, waiting, waiting for me. Well, I can dream can't I.... provided the dreams don't go and get themselves killed. Please do not be embarrassed by anything I say -err- write; now that I have no hope of ever becoming any more than a friend to you, I think I have the right to be truthful without you becoming embarrassed. Besides, I remain the utter gentleman in public. Seriously. You are ever so beautiful. I imagine that given your charm and attractiveness, you have and will continue to break quite a few hearts this year. Stop looking at the letter so wide-eyed, there is no need to feign shock. God's reason's for everything are so many-fold and uncomprehendable... I should think that one of the reasons for which you are here now is to give humanity a glimpse of what the angels are like. One of the next parties shall have to be at my house. I want my parents to meet all of you. You are never in my dreams, I think that they are afraid of you.

"...I wish we were kids again
I'd ask you to come out and play
but you're so scary now.
I love you in the strangest way..."
-"Scary" from Timbuk3 by Timbuk 3

I never really liked that song.
Oh look, it's the sun. Now there's something that you don't see every day. Wipe that expression off your face, it'll give ya wrinkles if you stay that way much longer. I *am not* weird, I merely see certain combinations of words, when uttered at certain moments in a series, to be *extremely* poetic. I just spell checked this. It asked about your name. I told it to ignore you. If only it were that easy. If I were you, I could convince you that my view is right, but you are not me. Now there's an endless paradox if I ever saw one. I just finished studying for a french quiz. J.D. Rockefeller. I'm doing a research project on advancements in virtual reality at UNC, now I just need to find a way to get an interview with some of the programmers... Listerine. Must remain happy happy birthday for me la da la lo It's my 17th bday soon. In one week. Every iceberg is afire. Ovalteen.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1996
Originally Written 11/16/96
Last Revised 8/14/97