Living Groups

Chapter Twenty Nine.

the first guest chapter.

People who don't have a thing for trees live a lonely life.

Anyway, the Bo story. I was having some trouble with my parents at the time. My dad was pushing me about colleges, my mom wasn't happy. I was sick of trying to hold the family together. I was sick of my responsibilities.
You know, I just realized. I never want to get into the relationships, I never want to get married, I just want to help people for the rest of my life. I want to be, this is going to sound silly, a guardian angel or something. A couple of psychics have told me I am, but I'm very skeptical about that kind of stuff. No matter how much I don't want to get into a relationship, I have one of the highest track records around...Anyway.....

I met Bo at (don't laugh) a bowling alley. He just kind of swept me off my feet. He was one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen. He had this jet black hair and bright blue eyes, girls drooled when he walked in a room. And he was incredibly polite but still had that danger factor about him, like he could do something reckless at any moment. It intrigued me. He was a year older than me. Not exactly a straight a student because he didn't care, he didn't try; he was poor, had only his mother. His best friend had been kicked out of home and lived with him. Whenever I visited, they looked so happy. Always laughing.

Bo left notes on my car and held me when I needed to be. He was there for me. I knew him, as I can read almost everyone; I saw right through him. He was a player, never went out with a girl for more than a week or so.

My parents met him for five minutes and told me never to see him again. The fire was incited. I turned demon.

After two months of a secret relationship, he sat me down and told me he had fallen inlove with me. And I wept. He asked me to move in with him. I wouldn't, until one night my father grew very angry and hit me and that was the last straw. I left. Two days later, i came back to my house to get my clothes, and my mother locked me in my room. I never saw Bo again.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm still inlove with him. If I ever really was inlove with him. What would have happened. And then I choose not to think about it, it's probably better that way. I don't want to know.


This page written (in part) and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1996
Originally Posted 11/20/96
Last Revised 8/14/97