Living Groups
Chapter Thirty Two.

Whenever I watch a sitcom in which one character hopelessly pines away for another character who seems oblivious, I just can't help wondering if that character actually realizes how the pining one feels, but refuses to acknowledge it.

Going home brought back a flood of memories. So odd, I'm never very far from home and yet just going back to my room calls up so many forgotten memories. I went through an old notebook of writings last time I was in my room, and found some stuff that I had forgotten having written, namely a trashy romance novella that I wrote while bored at my grandmother's house one week. I'm not sure why I wrote it, I think I wanted to prove to myself that it wasn't hard, that it was formulaic, and that I could make just as much money as Danielle Steele if need be. Even then I knew that my own attempt at pulp romance was sub-standard, but reading back over it yesterday it made me physically ill. It's as if all of my careless longings had been distilled into a single notebook, all of my lustful thoughts and idealistic notions.
I've never destoyed any written work before, but I sat down on the floor and tore that book into little bits, meticulously going through the scraps and further ripping them up until I was sure that not a single word remained whole.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1996
Originally Written 11/29/96
Last Revised 8/14/97