Living Groups
Chapter Thirty Seven.

i remember when i lost both of my front teeth in the space of a month, and it felt so weird to run my tongue over my gums...
i remember wishing that a girl, any girl (well, ok, *almost* any girl), would confess to me that she was madly in love with me...
i remember when every bush was a secret fort and every lightning bug was a fairy...
i remember the first time i ever held a girl's hand, making the excuse that my hands were cold and then sticking one of them into her pocket and clasping hers...
i remember the first time that i ever used a computer; it was a Commodore 64, and i spent hours typing sentences into it, pleading with it to say something to me other than "Syntax Error."
i remember the first time that a girl confessed that she was madly in love with me; she was 21 and now lives in Canada, as does, ironically enough, the only other girl whose ever said the same to me... (maybe it's something in the water up there...)
i remember visiting my grandparents while Grandfather was still alive; the first thing he ever did was make me drink a beer with him.
i remember the second time i held a girl's hand; we were in Scotland on the same summer school abroad trip and she was drunk and hitting on every guy within walking distance, I was trying to guide her back to her room... (to put her to bed and then return to mine, mind you, get your minds out of the gutter! )
i remember all the things that i had to look forward to.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1996
Originally Written 12/9/96
Last Revised 8/14/97