Living Groups
Chapter Seventy Eight.

"Wait", he said. "I have something for you. Gather around."
He motioned us closer. "First off, let me just say that all of you are beautiful. I can see you radiating beautiful light, you are beings of pure light."
And he took out a crystal ball and began to roll it all around his upper body; it caught the light of the flames behind us and glowed.
"This is my magic", he said, "all life is magic, and the magic thing about it is that you have nothing to fear from it, not even death."
And then he smiled; "I know, it sounds like bullshit", he admitted, "but it's not. It's the most important thing that I can tell you."
He paused. "I'm going to touch each of you now."
And he went around the circle, touching each person in turn, placing both of his hands on their shoulders. When he got to me his smile broadened.
"You are so beautiful", he told me, and then he hugged me.
And I've never felt so warm and alive.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 8/31/97
Last Revised 9/3/97