Living Groups
Chapter Eighty Two.

When I write about my life I find these common threads running through it, these common themes, and I can give every event a sense of completion. My life is as unified and complete as I perceive it to be, as much as I can fool myself into perceiving it to be.

Any substance can be abused, you can become addicted to anything in that you can become dependant on it, whether physically or emotionally or both. The problem with dependancy on non-addictive (physically, at least) substances comes when you make use of one to escape your problems. That's why I won't take off-the-shelf pain killers. =)

If I was stupid and normal then I'd be happy, because I wouldn't know any better. And as much as I know that it's true, I just can't live with the idea because I'm not stupid and I do know better so there's no point to wishing I had been stupid and happy. I like being me.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 9/19/97
Last Revised 9/19/97