Living Groups
Chapter Ninety Five.

TM doesn't like to look at himself in the mirror when he has his glasses on, he just doesn't like to see what he looks like with any degree of clarity. When TM passes mirrors during the day, he looks down or glances away. When he gets up and dresses in the morning, his glasses are the last thing he puts on, right before he goes out to door on his way to breakfast.
TM doesn't mind seeing himself in the mirror when he's not wearing his glasses, without them his vision is blurred, his face looks airbrushed and devoid of blemishes, his hair seems well combed. Having seen himself looking thus, TM is able to go out into the world with a certain measure of confidance, or rather, he doesn't spend the rest of the day feeling unclean and self-concious.
Contrary to mirrors, TM has come to enjoy glancing up to catch his reflection in windows, especially when he's inside and it's night outside. For some strange reason, his reflection in windows always looks really nice, even when he has his glasses on.
Weird, huh?


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 9/21/97
Last Revised 9/21/97