Living Groups

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven.

I don't know where you could have possibly heard a rumor that I'm getting bored and want to trainhop, but it's absolutely true. I'm sort of puzzled, because I don't remember telling anyone else about it; I guess I'm just transparent sometimes. I got two books out of the library, one on trainhopping and one on freight hoppers and hoboes and life on the rail, on my way home I had to stop by the tracks to let a train go by.... it was moving so slowly, it would have been so easy to hop.... I nearly wept. I've been planning for a long time to spend several months to a year living by my wits, beginning with the summer after I graduate. I'm going to walk to the East Durham freight yard, hop on the first train I can (hopefully the H-line going West), and see where I end up; I want to sleep outside, in shelters if I have to, and eat off of what I can find, or in soup kitchens if I have to, and work manual labour picking apples or some such; I want to panhandle and get foodstamps. Basically, I just want an adventure and I want to prove to myself that I can be happy without many material possessions; I want to really live and I want to see things and just do something *completely* different and new. The thing is, I'm no longer sure that I can wait that long... two years until graduation.... So now I'm thinking that maybe I can find a week or two somewhere to go off and have myself a mini-adventure, maybe during Christmas Break.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1998
Originally Writen 6/9/98
Last Revised 6/9/98