Living Groups
Chapter Nineteen.
My last teen chapter.

SWISS Miss orders a pizza.
"Want that delivered?", the order-taker asks.
"Okay, I'll just need your room number," he asked. She told it to him. "your phone number," Again, she answered. "and your major."
At this she paused. "Undecided", she said.
"Undecided? Why?"
"I'm just not sure! Nothing I'm interested in will be good for getting a job that pays more than squat!"
"That's no excuse. You have to follow your dreams. I followed my dreams. As long as you are following your dreams, you'll always be happy. The pizza should be there within 30 minutes or it's free."
And she hung up, more convinced of what everyone had been telling her, and filled with excitement.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1996
Originally Written 11/11/96
Last Revised 8/13/97