Living Groups
Chapter Fifty.

Hippo finally kissed a girl the other day. It was an accident.
Hippo was carrying a box down the hall through his dorm. As he came to the fire door, which split the hall at it's halfway point, he found that he did not have a spare hand with which to push it open. Without breaking stride he swung his foot up and kicked it. The door flew open forcefully, impacting on the head of the young woman who had just then been reaching for the handle on the other side of the door. The girl fell backwards to the floor.
"Crimey!", thought Hippo. He set his box down and leaned over the inert body in the hopes of restoring it to the upright position. Her eyes were closed and her lips pressed together; she looked altogether tranquil. Without even realizing what it was he was doing, Hippo leaned down and kissed her lightly upon the lips.
"A kiss to wake the Sleeping Beauty", he thought to himself.
Her eyelids began to flutter open and Hippo, confused and embarrassed at his actions jumped back. All he could think was, "But I'm no Prince Charming!?!" The girl openned her eyes and Hippo apologized profusely and then, after glaring at him warily she walked away down the hall.
Hippo stood up and went back to his business with the box.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 2/19/97
Last Revised 8/14/97