Living Groups
Chapter Eighty Nine.

When I'm wide-eyed-freaked-out-just-plain-shocked I make a low sputterling noise like "hommina hommina hommina".

I fell in love with Rain when I was writing My Year on the Streets (and then some). It's sort of a weird thing, isn't it? I created this character, Rain; Rain was was pretty much totally my own creation; she's not based on anyone I know, though I put her in situations that certain female friends of mine have been in and she acts accordingly. Perhaps, then, she's mostly me, another character that represents a facet of myself. That would make me Narcissus, I guess.

There's really not much more too it. I want lots of people in positions of power and influence to invite me to parties and point me out, saying, "See that guy? That's TeleMuse." Or not invite me to parties, just bunch into each other and say, "You would not believe who I got a call from yesterday; TeleMuse." "Really? Isn't he that guy that _____?" "No."


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 9/19/97
Last Revised 9/19/97