Living Groups
Chapter Ninety.

I saw this young lady sleeping in the office one day. I stopped and I stood there, watching her for a time as her lips quivered slightly, as her chest rose and fell with rhythmic breathing. And that was when I stopped being put off by her occasional crude antics and began to find them instead rather endearing.

I wrote a letter today. I don't like writing letters so much because regardless of what I'm writing I turn it into fiction. Of course, everything writing is fiction since it's all the author's perspective and therefore only one side of the truth; then again, if there is no absolute truth than perhaps one person's honest perspective is the truth. But that doesn't matter, because I go above and beyond to fictionalize a bit. I like to give my life, and through it my letters, a sense of unity and of completion, and that requires waxing poetic and whimsical sometimes.
I like to make my letters interesting, so I write them on scraps of paper that I find on my walks, or magazine ads, or in the margines of pamphlets. Today I wrote a letter in the margines of the table of contents to an old DOS 3.0 manual. I don't know if it was any good.
I hate ambiguity in relationships. Why is it that girls never tell you how they actually feel about you? Or at least, none that I've dated ever have. I guess it's not a girl thing so much as a person thing. People have trouble admitting their true feelings, openning themselves up to rejection. Well, not me so much anymore; I've gotten so used to rejection that it's become an old friend. =) Now if I could just understand my own feelings.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 9/19/97
Last Revised 9/19/97