Living Groups
Chapter Ninety One.

i used to worry that i would get lost in thought.
i sometimes forget how to walk. i'll roll out of bed and fall flat on my face on the floor because i can't remember how to balance on my feet. Sometimes it comes upon me suddenly: i'll be walking along thinking deeply and then just forget to lift up my feet, and i'll fall forward to the ground.

The person I am emerged first online, where the anonymity of text gave me the courage to be myself and the freedom to experiment around until I found a self that I liked and wanted to show to the world. I'm still trying to become more like myself irl. I can't help but become more like TeleMuse, you can only pretend to be something for so long until you truly are that thing.

Sometimes I just suddenly *understand* this idea that all the self help gurus talk about but that I never truly grasped before and I try to explain my epiphany to others and they're like "that's obvious, that's yesterday's self-help advice" and I just *know* that they, like me pre-epiphany, don't *really* understand it, they just think that they do. It's the whole thing will awakening to the next level; the world is full of robots walking around asleep.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Written 9/19/97
Last Revised 9/19/97