Living Groups

Chapter One Hundred and Eight.

One day, when they were still dating, Syn and Sop were walking to dinner with some friends. Syn turned to Sop.
"Will you visit us next year when we live on a different campus?", she asked.
"No.", Sop said; "It's too far to walk."
They thought that he was joking, but she knew better.

I hit the door and emerged from the auditorium into the hot, bright afternoon. Something bright sitting just above eye level caught my eyes. I looked up and was blinded by the sun. I had forgotten it was there. We live our lives going about our day-by-day activities moving around underneath a giant fireball of such immenseness that looking at it is blinding, that we can feel its heat. I wish I could stare at it.


This page written and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Writen 10/8/97
Last Revised 10/8/97