Living Groups

Chapter Sixty Two.

(a guest chapter)


It was a cold New England day, and I was driving home to New Hampshire from Rhode Isloand with a large bottle of Baccardi [sic.] Rum in the trunk -- packaged neatly in paper and a box. Anyway, I felt it was pretty safe to mail it and I didn't think that anyone (meaning the US postal service) would ever know what was in it... So, I go to the Postal Center USA place (not an _official_ US post office but rather a private bussiness that ships via the USPS) and I hoist the box on to the counter and here's the conversation that ensued:

Spider-Man: I'd like to ship this via the US postal service.
GUY (mailman wannabe): OK.
Spider-Man: Could we tape it shut and is it addressed properly?
GUY: It's addressed fine. (GUY takes package and goes to tape it -- Spider-Man gets money out of wallet.)
GUY: Is there a bottle in here? (knows just by lifting it up...)
Spider-Man: Yep.
GUY: Is it glass?
Spider-Man: Yep. It's pretty neat that you can tell that ju...
GUY: Is it alcohol?
Spider-Man: No. (thinks: "damn. how the hell....")

Anyway. So he mailed it (but he sure seemed pissed after that little conversation) and let me tell you that I was a little more than shocked to be "caught" -- I thought the plastic bag, the 1500 layers of packaging paper and the cardboard box would have protected the "secret"... oh well.. I just hope it doesn't break (knock on wood.) -- BTW: I sent it to your PO Box -- I only got one bottle, because I thought that it was enough -- it's pretty big (*twss*). He said that it should arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday.


This page written (in part) and maintained by TeleMuse. (c) 1997
Originally Posted 4/2/97
Last Revised 8/14/97